Saturday, June 27, 2015

July Calendar!

Happy Inter-dependence Days Everyone!

We have some great classes to support you in enjoying the summer to its fullest!  
Check out the Energetic Orientation Class, where you will learn how to have at least 30% more energy access by learning how to use and live in YOUR correct energetic orientation!  This class is a PRE-REQUISITE for the TRIAD OF CHANGE, which comes up on the 20th!  The Triad is an exciting class which will help you continue to learn how to make change more effortlessly and joyously, rather than with effort, or even pain.  

If you are in care with us, and you have NOT YET taken the Trigger Point Release Class, NOW is the time!!  This class will teach you a therapeutic exercise that will help you not only diminish pain, but increase your awareness of your body.  The care you invest in will be more effective by learning and practicing this technique with a family member, co-worker, or someone you see regularly.  
This is also a great class to invite a friend or family member to, not only to learn the technique, but to learn more about the care we offer!  You and they will learn more about why it works, have an opportunity to ask your questions, and for a lucky individual in the class to even 
receive a gifted in-class session!

It is among the highest compliment we can receive by giving us the chance to make a difference in the lives of your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors.  Please invite them to come to one our Trigger Point Release Classes, or stop by the Tillamook Farmers' Market, where we will be offering FREE Magical Stress Relief Sessions!  :)

Of note, this month is also one of the LAST OPPORTUNITIES you will have to take some of our classes for FREE.  In order to more fully honor our time, and the value we share in the classes, we will soon be requiring a fee to attend most of them.  For this reason, we recently raised our initial exam fee to $200, to more fully reflect the value of the service we are providing.  

So, come be OUR GUEST this month!  The time couldn't be better!  :)

Dr. Dawn