Friday, December 7, 2012

FIRE MT. SCHOOL BENEFIT: Posture Screenings / Consultations Sat. Dec 8th, 10-5pm, Pine Grove in Manzanita!

Dr. Dawn will be part of the 'Holidaze' Christmas Craft/Art/Bazaar 
at Pine Grove tomorrow - Saturday December 8th - from 10am-5pm!  

Stop by for a free posture report;  find out how much your head weighs, how many pounds of pressure are on your back, and how to 'lose weight' or pressure off your back!  Great free opportunity for a brief consultation to address health/wellness concerns with Dr. Dawn, or to learn more about 'peak performance' support if your health is already good, and want to take it to another level!

Give a little, receive a lot:  
If you schedule an initial 2-visit consultation, the first $50 will be a tax-deductible donation to Fire Mountain School, with $50 off your fee to Dr. Dawn!

In this Season of Giving, what better way to say "I love you" 
or "I really care about you" than with the
  gift of Inner Peace & Connection... 

Now offering Holiday Gift Certificates!

It's a pleasure serving our wonderful community - 
thank you for your business, referrals, and 'spreading the love'  :)
In Gratitude,
Dr. Dawn