Sunday, March 6, 2016

March Calendar

February was a wild and amazingly energy-rich month!
(Our apologies for not posting the calendar online - oops!  :)
With two separate trips to Colorado, both for the Transformational Gate weekend, as well as the second LIVE seminar for Master-E with Donny Epstein 
(a year-long post-graduate course among the top 60-70 doctors worldwide
offering Re-Organizational Healing (ROH)), 
we are both humbled and feeling very privileged to bring back 
among the very best offered to the Oregon Coast!  

March will see a return to the stability of our normal days and hours, 
and time to begin integrating this work at a more profound level than ever before.  

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey, 
and for your trust in allowing us to serve you, your family, friends, and neighbors 
with the highest quality care we have discovered!

In gratitude,
Graceful Waves Chiropractic