Tuesday, December 29, 2015

January Calendar

Hello All!
Please note the change in our Entrainment Hours for the week of January 4th - 7th.
Due to an unforeseen emergency, Dr. Dawn will have to travel out of town that week and is changing Thursdays (1/7) Entrainment Hours to Wednesday (1/6).
Thank You!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December Calendar!

This month will have a couple changes to the schedule around the Christmas/New Year Holiday.
We will be closed between December 24-28th for the Holiday and to spend time with family.

We look forward to serving you between the 21st-23rd to help you enjoy any festivities (or quiet!) that you may have planned, and to also start the New Year off right with special hours on the 29th, 30th, and the MORNING ONLY of New Year's Eve!

For some, this time of year can be full of merry distractions, and also some added stress.  Often we can become overloaded with social commitments, and our personal care - healthy eating, exercise, good spinal hygiene (i.e. your care!) can temporarily fall by the wayside.  The media often plays up the idea that this is the "flu" season, when in fact there are 'bugs' around all the time.  However, when our healthy practices suffer, then sometimes our immune system does as well and that is when we are most prone to getting sick.

This season, let's finish the year strong and healthy, and start 2016 on great footing!

As always, it is a pleasure to serve you.  We are so grateful to be serving our wonderful community - both local and extended.  

Dr. Dawn

Monday, December 7, 2015

Due to the weather conditions, our SRI - Discover scheduled tonight will be RESCHEDULED - most likely sometime in January!

Class CANCELLED tonight due to weather.

Will be RE-SCHEDULED - most likely to January.  
IF you are a member of our practice and have not yet taken this class, this is important to take - you will get a lot more out of your care if you come to this special evening - STAY TUNED!

And stay warm & dry!!
Dr. Dawn

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

It's what's on the inside that counts...!

This Thanksgiving we at Graceful Waves will be spending time with family and friends, and also send out some gratitude for all of you - the reason we are here and able to serve and help uplift humanity.

They say it is what is on the inside that counts...and we love polishing or super-connecting that 'inside' so you have more energy, health, vitality, and ability to experience all the joy and wonder in life, and to be more effective in adding value to the collective energetic field that influences us all.

We wish you and your loved ones a happy Thanksgiving, and we look forward to helping you enjoy the true meaning of the holidays...CONNECTION!

Dr Dawn will be in today from 12-1 for a short entrainment hour, if you want an extra infusion of grace before the long weekend.

Although we're closed for "Black Friday," being with family, we would encourage you to consider giving the gift of CONNECTION this holiday season.  What more lasting and sustainable gift could one give than health and LIFE while alive?!

We have gift certificates available - and yes we'll offer you an abundant savings, especially for an introduction to care for someone you really believe could benefit from some additional health, vitality, wellness, flexibility, relief from pain, or some extra gain!   OR - if you are interested in helping to uplift our community and world by sponsoring or offsetting someone's care cost, please let us know!

Give us a call or ask next time you're in - we're here for YOU!  :)

In gratitude,
Graceful Waves Chiropractic

Monday, November 2, 2015


If you have NOT yet taken our Trigger Point Release Class, want a refresher, or know someone who could benefit from GENTLY releasing a tight muscle in 30 seconds or less - this class is offered just in time! *UPDATE- Due to the weather, our Trigger point class is cancelled for tonight. Please check back in the next few days for a new date!*

So often, we 'overcommit' during the Holidays, and our health and wellbeing can suffer as a result...  If anything, this is a great time to get a little EXTRA care to boost the immune system, and also ensure we all have abundant energy during the winter festivities, and/or season.  

It is an honor and pleasure serving you and your loved ones!

Also, we will be offering GIFT CERTIFICATES here in the office, as well as at the Tillamook Winter Market (and FREE SESSIONS at the Market for those locals who have never tried our services)!

Much love!
Dawn & Samora

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Come and enjoy a relaxing evening in this 1 of 3 part workshop focused on awareness of your body and a revolutionary method to help improve your overall quality of life! Hope to see you there!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Calendar!

Hey Everyone! 

We have some great events this month, and one schedule change so please take note!

First, if you haven't yet taken the SRI - Discover class, please DO!!  Call our office or sign-up & pre-pay when you see Samora - space is limited to only 10 and spaces are filling!

Second, if you have any friends, neighbors, family, or people you would *like* to be more friendly with (hint hint!), please send them our way at either of the Farmers' Market events on this month's calendar.  This will be the LAST OPPORTUNITY for the Magical Stress Relief @ the markets for this year, so take advantage of our free community outreach events!

Finally, Dr. Dawn, along with about 60 colleagues world-wide, is enrolled in a special yearlong coaching program with Donny Epstein exploring and expanding "Mastery." As such, she will be in Colorado from September 18-20 studying in-person with him.  Due to travel arrangements, we will be closed on the 17th and 21st, but will be excited to serve you again on the 22nd, as special hours on Wednesday the 16th!

As always it is our greatest pleasure to serve you and your loved ones!
-Dr. Dawn & Samora @ Graceful Waves!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

July Calendar!

Happy Inter-dependence Days Everyone!

We have some great classes to support you in enjoying the summer to its fullest!  
Check out the Energetic Orientation Class, where you will learn how to have at least 30% more energy access by learning how to use and live in YOUR correct energetic orientation!  This class is a PRE-REQUISITE for the TRIAD OF CHANGE, which comes up on the 20th!  The Triad is an exciting class which will help you continue to learn how to make change more effortlessly and joyously, rather than with effort, or even pain.  

If you are in care with us, and you have NOT YET taken the Trigger Point Release Class, NOW is the time!!  This class will teach you a therapeutic exercise that will help you not only diminish pain, but increase your awareness of your body.  The care you invest in will be more effective by learning and practicing this technique with a family member, co-worker, or someone you see regularly.  
This is also a great class to invite a friend or family member to, not only to learn the technique, but to learn more about the care we offer!  You and they will learn more about why it works, have an opportunity to ask your questions, and for a lucky individual in the class to even 
receive a gifted in-class session!

It is among the highest compliment we can receive by giving us the chance to make a difference in the lives of your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors.  Please invite them to come to one our Trigger Point Release Classes, or stop by the Tillamook Farmers' Market, where we will be offering FREE Magical Stress Relief Sessions!  :)

Of note, this month is also one of the LAST OPPORTUNITIES you will have to take some of our classes for FREE.  In order to more fully honor our time, and the value we share in the classes, we will soon be requiring a fee to attend most of them.  For this reason, we recently raised our initial exam fee to $200, to more fully reflect the value of the service we are providing.  

So, come be OUR GUEST this month!  The time couldn't be better!  :)

Dr. Dawn  

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Patient Services Coordinator (aka "Office Guru") WANTED!

Dear Friends,

The window we have had for applications to become Graceful Wave's new "Office Guru" is coming to a close!  We will begin interviewing in a week's time (June 15th), and intend to make a hiring decision by the end of the month, to begin in July.  If you, or a friend you know has a deep desire to serve this community, NOW is the time to apply!  In addition to passion for service and natural healthcare, for necessary qualifications please read below:

Almost needless to say, we are looking for someone who is not only an exceptional fit for the practice, but wishes to serve here long-term.  It takes about about a year for most people to be fully trained, and even then then is always more to learn!  This position is for someone who hungers for growth, is naturally warm/caring, who will be excited to help increase our level of service to the community, and also has the attention to detail required to post payments accurately, record stats, and do any required insurance billing to ensure the smoothness and success of the practice.  

It's also a lot of fun, and they get to witness and contribute to peoples' wonderful journey of healing...
 I greatly appreciate and am so grateful to Lorie's wonderful contributions to our practice, 
and I also welcome the next "Office Guru" to the table!

Dr. Dawn